I Don’t Dwell by: Sam Shelley Book Review

Title: I Don’t Dwell 

By: Sam Shelley

Genre: Memoir, Self Help


Sam Shelley author of I Dont Dwell

Follow Sam on Twitter: @IMSamShelley

“I Don’t Dwell” is the ultimate survivor story. Sam Shelley shares his triumphant journey of overcoming insurmountable odds despite his circumstances. A debilitating obstacle course, filled with both mental, physical, and emotional ailments. The message that directly coincides with MM&i radio. 

His driving force; an unorthodox methodology consisting of yoga meditation and mindfulness.

The story starts off at the beginning. When we used to stick baseball cards in our bike spokes, and mom packed your lunch in a brown paper bag. Excepts Sam life was anything but ordinary. At the age of six he got hit by a car. He would now spend remained of his childhood rehabilitating himself both from the physically scars, and the phycological ones associated with a such a traumatic event. 


I Don't Dwell by: Sam Shelley  - Inscription for Anthony Hayes

I Don’t Dwell by: Sam Shelley – Inscription for Anthony Hayes

Shelley’s life going forward would be be filled with constant curve balls, exploration; recovering from battles of depression, bipolar and Multiple Sclerosis. He could have just accepted defeat at several points in this story but he took action and pressed on. 
One by one, Sam knocked his setbacks down like dominos and never looked back. This story has earned Sam the nickname “the miracle man” and for good reason. After several decades, patience, persistence, and eventually knowing “all is well” Sam is cured! No longer does he require the use of any of his previous 13 medications including those for MS.

I have had the honor and privilege and speaking with Sam on several occasions. We met through several podcasting and blogging groups for which we’ve been able to stay in touch over the course of this past year. 

I received one of Sams healings’ thanks to a contest on Darienne’s #MISSIONLove movement (missionlovemovement.com). I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

If you are carrying any unnecessary baggage around with you I urge you to reach out to Rev. Shelley. Going forward I hope to have “The Mircle Man” as a guest on my podcast, Me Myself and I Radio.

Sam Shelley I Dont Dwell

Sam Shelley I Dont Dwell

Check out these stellar reviews:

” An insightful, well written and helpful memoir.” The Columbia Review.

“Mr. Shelly’s writing is refreshingly unassuming and brutally honest.” The Columbia Review. 

“.. presented with great clarity in this thoughtful and thought-provoking book.” The Columbia Review 

“Highly recommended.” ~The Columbia Review  

The rabbit hole goes much deeper than this you see. Read it for yourself. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1938257804/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1427853727&sr=8-1&keywords=dont+dwell

Please visit www.dontdwell.org for more information.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Anonymous Source by: AC Fuller Book Review 

Book Review 


The Anonymous Source


 Title: The Anonymous Source

Author: A.C. Fuller 

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is so much I love about this book I don’t know where to start. I must confess this is not the genre I typically read, however I enjoyed it cover to cover so much I’m reading it again.

New York, The Big Apple–home to 8.4 million people. The story follows main character Alex, a reporter, and his ever elusive “Anonymous Source.” Alex, looking for his big break, bites off more than he can chew in this thriller from breakout Author AC Fuller.

The opening scene brought me back to High School. We all gathered around the TV trying to figure out what was going on. It was chaotic.

Where the chaos ends the genius of this author begins to take your mind on a twisted journey of insatiable suspense. AC Fuller hit it out of the park with The Anonymous Source!

The Man:

I came across AC Fuller while listening to his insightful, intellectual, informative show, the  WRITER 2.0 Podcast. 


WRITER 2.0 Podcast  @ www.acfuller.com

WRITER 2.0 Podcast @ http://www.acfuller.com

After graduating from the prestigious NYU, Fuller was hired to teach. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as an adjunct professor in the NYU School of Journalism. 

He admitted his “writing wasn’t any good.” That was then, this is now. Almost a decade later AC Fuller has immersed  himself in the world of underground writing.

First rule of write club_ You don’t talk about write club”

The Anonymous Team:

After responding to a post looking for some honest readers to be a part of a book launch I was immediately intrigued. 

Daily discussions would center around voting and commenting on several elements of the book’s creation. A very inspiring, enlightening process to be a part of for a new author such as myself. We’d have input on–Cover design, colors scheme, and select layouts just to name a few elements.

The process took several months and was exhilarating for all those involved. We received first peek at The Anonymous Source before it was available to the general public. 

As needed, we all weighed in on whatever Fuller threw our way. The support and professionalism of this group, comprised mostly of other writers, was astonishing. I am truly honored to have been a part of this process. 

I would like to convey my personal gratitude for the opportunity and advice Adam gave me. A true class act. Best of Luck in your future endeavors my friend!  

Follow AC on Twitter

Twitter @ACFullerAuthor

For more information on AC Fuller and his ever-growing list of accolades please visit www.acfuller.com

To purchase Anonymous Source please head over to Amazon and pick up an incredible read here.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Buy Joe's Book 31 Life Changing Concepts on Amazon

31 Life Changing Concepts by: Joe Pardo Book Review

Book Review

Title: 31 Life Changing Concepts

Author: Joe Pardo

Genre: Self Development

Please visit: jpar.net/howtodream.co

Me and Joe

I am a bit biased toward this publication in that, I played a very small part in its creative process.

That being said, does not change the fact however that I’ve never seen a book quite as unique as this one.

According to the author this is a self development book for people who don’t like to read. The concept in of itself is brilliant.
In my opinion the number 31 is appropriately significant. If you read and practice 1 concept each day in a months time, you have completed all 31 concepts (for arguments sake assuming worst case scenario October).

The entries are brief and to the point. Joe Pardo has lived a life of trial and error but never stopped believing in himself, more importantly he never stopped believing in others.
Joe coined the phrase “Society Starts With You.” However after reading 31 Life Changing Concepts it seems as though the tables have turned.

After carving through the stereotypical ‘what society expects of you’ mentality, it is apparent Joe has started a society of his very own…A society of Dreamers.

Please visit: jpar.net/howtodream.co

Joe signing my copy his book

With the stellar platform of Dreamers Podcast, Joe has single handily reached 50,000+ downloads of his show. After 150 exciting guests from around the globe there is no telling what is next for this New Jersey based dreamer.

For more information on Joe Pardo please visit http://www.jpar.co

For more information on The Dreamers Podcast please visit: http://www.howtodream.co
(*be sure to subscribe and review on iTunes)

To purchase your copy of 31 Life Changing Concepts in Kindle format please visit: http://www.howtodream.co/book

To purchase the paper back edition of 31 Life Changing Concepts click here http://www.howtodream.co/book

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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The Science behind Being



The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I

By: Anthony Hayes

The past 10 years have encompassed some of the darkest most trying times of my life. To be perfectly honest at times, I didn’t think I’d be here today. I’ve fought battles of depression, self medicating, and divorce all before the ripe old age of 30 (which I turned last June). But somehow, somewhere, in vast universe something was watching over me. A true testament of will, perseverance, and heart. I never gave up, always wanting to understand what I was going through more thoroughly. Whether it be reading, research, mediation or doing creative things like writing The Science of Being…Our best days lie ahead of us.

Between the years of 2004-2014 I documented my journey and battle with clinical depression, anxiety, add, self medicating, and bouts of insomnia. After several working titles, this way of life which is obtainable by all of us, I call “The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I .”
It is focused on overcoming your obstacles despite your circumstances. My mission is to help better myself, in doing so; help, motivate and inspire others to do the same.  As a result, I write on personal development, resources and tools for self-actualization. On occasion, I blog about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

It the end it all paid off. For the past was my training for today and I’ve never felt more complete.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Writing with Guest Jason Stocks

Me Myself and I Radio Episode 17 show notes

Writing with Guest Jason Stocks

iTunes | Listen Now! | Player | Spreaker | Stitcher|

On this episode of the Me Myself and I podcast, I welcome my very first guest Jason Stocks. Jason and I discuss the benefits of writing, some history, and explain why we need to incorporate more writing in our daily lives. In addition we share how writing has helped us overcome our obstacles. We’ve got lots to talk about and less than half an hour to do it in_so lets get into Me, Myself, and I shall we?

Jason Stocks was born in Arkansas and raised in Mississippi. He received his BFA from Goddard College where he studied under the direction of New Hampshire Poet Laureate Walter Butts and novelist Laurie Foos, and his MFA from Solstice of Pine Manor College, where he worked with Cave Canum Fellow, and Somerville, Massachusetts, Poet Laureate Nicole Terez Dutton. His work has appeared in numerous journals such as Calliope, Blaze Vox, Exterminating Angel Press and Confrontation.  He has had poems anthologized by Nazar Look, a Romanian publisher, which were translated into several languages including Crimean Tartar. He had internships at Both Elephant Rock Books and Drunken Boat Literary magazine. Presently he lives in Florida with his pregnant, long term fiance, their chihuahua Jelly Bean, a super sweet kingsnake named Sophie and two tarantulas. (Connect with Jason: Facebook, Google “Jason Stocks Poetry” )


AH: What obstacles has writing helped you overcome?

Answer: Depression, Pain, Criticism, Death & Animosity, Relationships, Developing a skill-set, All around

JS: The death my brother. It is in fact therapeutic. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it for fun, for a expression or as a release. It’s a good skill to have to communicate even if your the only one that’s going to read this.

AH: Why is writing a necessity in our daily lives and why don’t more people do it?

Answer: Fear, Criticism and opinions, Vulnerability, Rejection

JS: I think people are scared because you do bury your emotions. Like you said the white space is unbiased, so we pour our feelings out on the page…and we are scared of criticism. We are scared of criticism in every aspect of our lives.

AH: What advice would you give those who want to incorporation more writing into their daily lives?

Answer: Journal, Just do it, Write everyday, Read, Don’t be afraid.

JS: Start with a journal. I think most people are afraid to write because maybe they think they haven’t lived enough life yet to have anything to write about.

AH: What resource, website, or book can you recommend to people that want to improve their writing skills?

Answer: Classical literature, Charles Dickens (Great Expectations, Tale of two cities) Poets and Writers (www.p&w.org), The Poetry Foundation, The Art of Poetry (Shira Wolosky), Steven King (On Writing), The Paris Review, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Bret Easton Ellis, Enter contests

JS: You can’t understand modern literature unless you know the roots. 

Notable Quotations:

Anthony Hayes – “If you want to be good you have to surround yourself with greatness.”
“The white space is unbiased. It’s not going to judge you.”
“It’s a great tool that really; across the spectrum anybody can use at any given point in their life. ”
“You can never master something unless you are able to teach it to somebody else.”

Jason Stocks – “Writers are the people that go against the grain.”
“It’s not the story your tell, its the way you tell it.”
“I think people are scared.”
“People are forgetting how to write.”
“The thing about poetry is that every word matters.”
“It’s not a matter of how well read you are, its matter of how willing you are to be patient with the author.”
“I think you have to release your expectations. Let go of your expectations of normality.”
“Anything worth keeping is worth fighting hard to understand.”
Final Thoughts:

In any context, it seems writing is highly under utilized, invaluable resource. Anyone can write, but not everybody will. Whether it is a journal, letter, poem, short story or daily to-do list you will get to better know yourself through your thoughts. Seeing everything you have been thinking in black and white makes your vision unclouded and unbiased. Suddenly your world will become a bit more clear, your goals more attainable, more tangible.

Your Challenge:

Start a daily journal. Over the course of the next 7 days document the events and feelings you experience. Sometimes it helps to place a pad and pen at your bedside and recap the day before you go to sleep each evening. If you do not normally make use of a to-do list, make one each morning. Cross out each task as your complete it. At the end of 7 days review your entries and findings. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What did I learn?
  2. Was my time well spent?
  3. Did I complete my tasks?
  4. Did I set new goals?
  5. Will I continue some of these practices going forward?

Please email the show regarding any thoughts on this episode and your challenge results to ahayes@memyselfandiradio.com. Join us on FaceBook. Follow on Twitter @ahayes_mmi.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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About @ahayes_mmi

ABOUT @ahayes_mmi

Thanks for clicking the URL in my Twitter profile. 

I am the author of The Science of Being – Me Myself and I. It is a self-published memoir (of sorts), that I wrote documenting my battle with depression from 2000-2014. I have submitted several of its chapters as short stories, to number of literary magazines and contests across the country. 

This is a blog post specifically written just for you. With the limitation some social media outlets put on the allotted number of characters (140-160), it is difficult to really network at all. With the constant updating, blurbs, and congested feeds, you may miss something that would have otherwise resonated with you. That is why you are here. To learn three things:

  • Who is Anthony Hayes?
  • What is The Science of Being?
  • What is Me, Myself, and I?

Anthony Hayes

Hi I’m Anthony and thank you for connecting. Outside my regular 9-5, I am an Author/Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, and newly appointed Father to a beautiful baby girl. I started writing back in the 8th grade, mostly poetry. My way of being the modern day Romeo, at times. 

I reside in West Palm Beach where I chase my passions, dreams, and aspirations under the sunny Florida skies. I am a huge car enthusiast and have competed in custom car shows on a national level. Walking away with 4 first place trophies and several other awards in my class. 

I originally aspired to be a professional mixed martial arts fighter. I trained with some of the most elite instructors, trainers, and alongside some of the best athletes in the world. The universe however had a different plan. A majority of my core values have been a result of disciplines their philosophies within.

The Science of Being

Between the years of 2004-2014 I documented my journey and battle with clinical depression, anxiety, add, self medicating, and bouts of insomnia. After several working titles, this way of life which is obtainable by all of us, I call “The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I .”

It is focused on overcoming your obstacles despite your circumstances. My mission is to help better myself, in doing so; help motivate and inspire others to do the same.  As a result, I write on personal development, resources and tools for self-actualization. On occasion, I blog about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

Me, Myself, and I Radio

I also have a podcast called, Me Myself and I, for which I cover similar topics. My show hosted by Spreaker web and mobile application, but available also on iTunes and Stitcher Radio for download. I plan to have some awesome guests going forward.

I typically podcast bi-weekly. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or e-mail.

I also wrote a blog for the podcast that can be found here.

My Contact Information

You can contact me via e-mail or follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Bonus Blog: Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Please visity MM&i

The Science of Being

The Science of Being

A journey; A way of life

Please Visit memyselfandiradio.com

Please Visit memyselfandiradio.com

Go on a journey with me through the trials, tribulations, and moments of enlightenment I experienced in my early to mid 20s with “The Science of Being.”

Everyone has their story but I would like to share mine with you and one day, the world. It gets a bit dark along the way but we will get through it together. I am the product of a divorced marriage but lead a great childhood nonetheless.

However, in 2004 a switch went off in my head that would forever change me and what I was to become. I’ve fought battles of depression, self medicating, divorce, and always came out to be victorious. It is with a sense of enlightenment I now possess that I was able to organize my journey on paper.

I’m not trying to sell a message, I’m trying to deliver it. After several working titles “The Science of Being” is in its final stages. With your help and contribution I will be able to share my story with others having similar struggles. Together we can show them the purest light even in the most crimson of skies. The Science of being is a way of life. It’s about flowing and traversing through your obstacles no matter how vast they seem. In the end the universe has a path for all. If you enjoyed the work of Elizabeth Wurtzel’s “Prozac Nation” you will enjoy my story. Lizzy is a great inspiration of mine and her memoir was the final push I needed to get this done. Her story was so compelling, so honest.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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For more info please visit memyselfandiradio.com

Blog hosting make over

Blog hosting make over

Need for a change

Please Visit memyselfandiradio.com

Keep on flowing, Just be… Please Visit memyselfandiradio.com

I’ve seen numerous benefits from the use of WordPress by others. Which is why I have decided to jump ship.

I am in the process of converting both my blogs to be hosted here.

-Stay tuned!

Anthony Hayes
Author, Podcaster, Blogger

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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