Marie Lanza on Me Myself and I Radio Podcast

On today’s episode of Me Myself and I Radio Anthony Hayes is joined by guest, Marie Lanza. 

Marie Lanza is the author of FRACTURED: OUTBREAK ZOM-813 and FRACTURED: THE OTHER SIDE. Lanza has also published an e-series titled The Colony. This episode comes at a perfect time in the month of October as the publishing house she represents Severed Press, specializes in zombies, kaiju, dinosaurs, sea monsters, and space marines. 


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Fractured: The Other Side

Not only is Marie a talented writer, and amazing mother, she also has had a very exciting career as a radio producer. Truth be told I am a huge fan of Marie and today is a conversation you won’t want to miss! 

I stumbled upon the creativity of my wonderful guest, author Marie Lanza just over a decade ago while listening to satellite radio. Nowadays, Marie can be found on her podcast “The DiRT” or in the pages of her chilling zombie book series.

Together we will discovery Marie’s Me (Past), Myself (Present), and I (Future) Elements that have created the wonderful woman she is evolving to be everyday. We had such a great time chatting that this will be a two part episode. The second half being released on Halloween! At that time, I will be giving away a signed copy of FRACTURED: THE OTHER SIDE.

Guest Bio:

Marie Lanza is an author, radio producer and personality. Marie became part of the Sirius XM network in 2004 and left the network in February 2013. She could be heard in a variety of roles on various channels; as a producer, Marie was part of some of the most unforgettable moments in radio, has booked breaking news interviews, created segments and brought topics that have become infamous among audiences.

Currently, Marie can be heard on her radio show, The DiRT, available on iHeart Radio, Spreaker, and other various outlets. In 2013, Marie began her ongoing e-series The Colony. In 2014, she released her novel Fractured: Outbreak ZOM-813, and in 2016 part 2, Fractured: The Other Side. This series was picked up by the publishing house, Severed Press. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California with her husband and daughter.

Notable interview quotations:

“I was tired of letting my reality get in the way of things that I was passionate about.”

“They [kids] really put life into perspective of whats important.”


Thank you for listening to Me Myself and I Radio Podcast with Anthony Hayes! Please subscribe on iTunes, leave a rating and review and tell a friend.

“Control the Controllable, Keep on Flowing, Just Be…”

My First Podcast Conference #MAPcon 2016

September 9th and 10th 2016, I will be attending my very first Conference for Podcasting–Mid Atlantic Podcast Conference or MAPcon. This event is the second of its kind since founded by its creator, entrepreneur, and Podcaster–Joe Pardo. Joe hosts a show called the Dreamers Podcast and has garnished close to 1 million listens in the 246 episodes.

A little over two years ago, I introduced myself to Mr. Pardo as I was a regular listener to his podcast. He reached out and immediately made me feel welcome in his tribe. 

It was at that time I had just started a podcast. As of December I will have been podcasting 3 years, and what a journey it has been. Joes show, Dreamers Podcast had a clear vision with stellar guests from all walks of life, quite the opposite of my own. 

When Joe was writing his first book 31 Life Changing Concepts I was eager to get my hands on a copy. I was given access to the book prior to its release and asked to give some feedback for which I gladly did. 

At that time, I was putting together my own book The Science of Being (due out September 2016). While reading Joe’s story, I picked up on some minor discrepancies with the grammar and punctuation. At this point, the book was meer days away from being published. I  emailed Joe some constructive criticism and he graciously accepted my input (I know my writing is FAR from perfect). 

Some weeks later Joe mailed me a copy of the book. To my surprise printed in the book: 

Co-Editor: Anthony Hayes

I was floored and honored to say the least. When Joe visited Florida with his wife we met up for dinner. We’ve since become great friends and talk weekly if not daily. I even had Joe redesigned my entire website! 

Well off to the conference I go…

If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

The Science behind Being



The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I

By: Anthony Hayes

The past 10 years have encompassed some of the darkest most trying times of my life. To be perfectly honest at times, I didn’t think I’d be here today. I’ve fought battles of depression, self medicating, and divorce all before the ripe old age of 30 (which I turned last June). But somehow, somewhere, in vast universe something was watching over me. A true testament of will, perseverance, and heart. I never gave up, always wanting to understand what I was going through more thoroughly. Whether it be reading, research, mediation or doing creative things like writing The Science of Being…Our best days lie ahead of us.

Between the years of 2004-2014 I documented my journey and battle with clinical depression, anxiety, add, self medicating, and bouts of insomnia. After several working titles, this way of life which is obtainable by all of us, I call “The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I .”
It is focused on overcoming your obstacles despite your circumstances. My mission is to help better myself, in doing so; help, motivate and inspire others to do the same.  As a result, I write on personal development, resources and tools for self-actualization. On occasion, I blog about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

It the end it all paid off. For the past was my training for today and I’ve never felt more complete.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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About @ahayes_mmi

ABOUT @ahayes_mmi

Thanks for clicking the URL in my Twitter profile. 

I am the author of The Science of Being – Me Myself and I. It is a self-published memoir (of sorts), that I wrote documenting my battle with depression from 2000-2014. I have submitted several of its chapters as short stories, to number of literary magazines and contests across the country. 

This is a blog post specifically written just for you. With the limitation some social media outlets put on the allotted number of characters (140-160), it is difficult to really network at all. With the constant updating, blurbs, and congested feeds, you may miss something that would have otherwise resonated with you. That is why you are here. To learn three things:

  • Who is Anthony Hayes?
  • What is The Science of Being?
  • What is Me, Myself, and I?

Anthony Hayes

Hi I’m Anthony and thank you for connecting. Outside my regular 9-5, I am an Author/Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, and newly appointed Father to a beautiful baby girl. I started writing back in the 8th grade, mostly poetry. My way of being the modern day Romeo, at times. 

I reside in West Palm Beach where I chase my passions, dreams, and aspirations under the sunny Florida skies. I am a huge car enthusiast and have competed in custom car shows on a national level. Walking away with 4 first place trophies and several other awards in my class. 

I originally aspired to be a professional mixed martial arts fighter. I trained with some of the most elite instructors, trainers, and alongside some of the best athletes in the world. The universe however had a different plan. A majority of my core values have been a result of disciplines their philosophies within.

The Science of Being

Between the years of 2004-2014 I documented my journey and battle with clinical depression, anxiety, add, self medicating, and bouts of insomnia. After several working titles, this way of life which is obtainable by all of us, I call “The Science of Being – Me, Myself, and I .”

It is focused on overcoming your obstacles despite your circumstances. My mission is to help better myself, in doing so; help motivate and inspire others to do the same.  As a result, I write on personal development, resources and tools for self-actualization. On occasion, I blog about stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into one of these categories.

Me, Myself, and I Radio

I also have a podcast called, Me Myself and I, for which I cover similar topics. My show hosted by Spreaker web and mobile application, but available also on iTunes and Stitcher Radio for download. I plan to have some awesome guests going forward.

I typically podcast bi-weekly. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or e-mail.

I also wrote a blog for the podcast that can be found here.

My Contact Information

You can contact me via e-mail or follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Bonus Blog: Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Please visity MM&i

The Science of Being

The Science of Being

A journey; A way of life

Please Visit

Please Visit

Go on a journey with me through the trials, tribulations, and moments of enlightenment I experienced in my early to mid 20s with “The Science of Being.”

Everyone has their story but I would like to share mine with you and one day, the world. It gets a bit dark along the way but we will get through it together. I am the product of a divorced marriage but lead a great childhood nonetheless.

However, in 2004 a switch went off in my head that would forever change me and what I was to become. I’ve fought battles of depression, self medicating, divorce, and always came out to be victorious. It is with a sense of enlightenment I now possess that I was able to organize my journey on paper.

I’m not trying to sell a message, I’m trying to deliver it. After several working titles “The Science of Being” is in its final stages. With your help and contribution I will be able to share my story with others having similar struggles. Together we can show them the purest light even in the most crimson of skies. The Science of being is a way of life. It’s about flowing and traversing through your obstacles no matter how vast they seem. In the end the universe has a path for all. If you enjoyed the work of Elizabeth Wurtzel’s “Prozac Nation” you will enjoy my story. Lizzy is a great inspiration of mine and her memoir was the final push I needed to get this done. Her story was so compelling, so honest.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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For more info please visit

Blog hosting make over

Blog hosting make over

Need for a change

Please Visit

Keep on flowing, Just be… Please Visit

I’ve seen numerous benefits from the use of WordPress by others. Which is why I have decided to jump ship.

I am in the process of converting both my blogs to be hosted here.

-Stay tuned!

Anthony Hayes
Author, Podcaster, Blogger

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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