A Fathers Gratitude

Raising Violet - The Daddy Diaries

By: Anthony Hayes | @ahayes_mmi

Little shoes and oversized building blocks litted the floor…at this point I’m grateful they weren’t the tiny Lego blocks we played with as kids. I walk through the living room checking the locks one last time before bed.

Luna, my Siberian Husky lies asleep on the cool tile floor. I got Luna 5 years ago, a rescue; she is almost 11 years old now. Despite their circumstances, Violet and Luna get along famously. Violet always kisses Luna goodnight, and wishes her a good morning the next day. Luna, reluctant most of the time, loves the attention–despite the fact that children can be unpredictable at times…
It’s moments like this, all the stress and responsibility of being a father seems insignificant. I have a hard enough time managing my own emotions for which you can read about here, let alone those of others. Despite all…

View original post 328 more words

Marie Lanza on Me Myself and I Radio Podcast

On today’s episode of Me Myself and I Radio Anthony Hayes is joined by guest, Marie Lanza. 

Marie Lanza is the author of FRACTURED: OUTBREAK ZOM-813 and FRACTURED: THE OTHER SIDE. Lanza has also published an e-series titled The Colony. This episode comes at a perfect time in the month of October as the publishing house she represents Severed Press, specializes in zombies, kaiju, dinosaurs, sea monsters, and space marines. 


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Fractured: The Other Side

Not only is Marie a talented writer, and amazing mother, she also has had a very exciting career as a radio producer. Truth be told I am a huge fan of Marie and today is a conversation you won’t want to miss! 

I stumbled upon the creativity of my wonderful guest, author Marie Lanza just over a decade ago while listening to satellite radio. Nowadays, Marie can be found on her podcast “The DiRT” or in the pages of her chilling zombie book series.

Together we will discovery Marie’s Me (Past), Myself (Present), and I (Future) Elements that have created the wonderful woman she is evolving to be everyday. We had such a great time chatting that this will be a two part episode. The second half being released on Halloween! At that time, I will be giving away a signed copy of FRACTURED: THE OTHER SIDE.

Guest Bio:

Marie Lanza is an author, radio producer and personality. Marie became part of the Sirius XM network in 2004 and left the network in February 2013. She could be heard in a variety of roles on various channels; as a producer, Marie was part of some of the most unforgettable moments in radio, has booked breaking news interviews, created segments and brought topics that have become infamous among audiences.

Currently, Marie can be heard on her radio show, The DiRT, available on iHeart Radio, Spreaker, and other various outlets. In 2013, Marie began her ongoing e-series The Colony. In 2014, she released her novel Fractured: Outbreak ZOM-813, and in 2016 part 2, Fractured: The Other Side. This series was picked up by the publishing house, Severed Press. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California with her husband and daughter.

Notable interview quotations:

“I was tired of letting my reality get in the way of things that I was passionate about.”

“They [kids] really put life into perspective of whats important.”


Thank you for listening to Me Myself and I Radio Podcast with Anthony Hayes! Please subscribe on iTunes, leave a rating and review and tell a friend.

“Control the Controllable, Keep on Flowing, Just Be…”


Adrian Aguilar on Me Myself and I Radio Podcast

On today’s episode of Me Myself and I Radio Anthony Hayes is joined by guest, Adrian Aguilar.


iTunes | Stitcher | Spreaker | YouTube
Adrian Aguilar helps people find meaningful work. He does this through Career Coaching and his podcast, Letsplore. Letsplore helps Millennials figure out what they want to do with their lives as it relates to passion, self-improvement, and mindset.

He also has a Facebook Group called The Millennial Mastermind. The Millennial Mastermind is a community where members help one another in regards to personal development and our professional lives.

Adrian is also an active member of my community the Podcast Discovery Center. There he has displayed the extreme passion for himself and the brand he is building. This was such a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it!

Be sure to check out Adrians podcast  Letsplore here’s an episode I think you’ll like https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/letsplore/id1142021234?mt=2&i=373890018


You can find more information on his website, http://www.inspiredbyadrian.com.”


Copyright Adrian Aguilar 2016

Adrian Aguilar

InspiredByAdrian.com | Adrian@InspiredByAdrian.com

Social Media Links:


Facebook Community-https://www.facebook.com/groups/themillennialmastermind





Thank you for listening to Me Myself and I Radio Podcast with Anthony Hayes!

“Control the Controllable, Keep on Flowing, Just Be…”


Pilot Episode 0 Show Notes

This episode of Me Myself and I Radio with Anthony Hayes is a monumental day in podcasting history. The relaunch!

iTunes | Stitcher | Spreaker | YouTube

After attending the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference (#MAPcon) September 9-10 in Swedsboro New Jersey, I left with an arsenal or information. One such term I learned of was the “Pivot.” The other Authenticity.

Anthony Hayes Me Myself and I Radio

Anthony Hayes Me Myself and I Radio

We all come to a point in our lives when change is inevitable. For whatever the circumstances, you must adapt your current situation to meet the obstacles at hand. As I approach 3 years (December 2016) since experimenting with a podcast of my own, I realized a much needed pivot is in order.
Every episode I recorded was a learning experience in the many aspects of the audio broadcasting world known as podcasting. This newly learned craft included things such as, but not limited to, technology, marketing and most importantly a better sense of self. I don’t have hundreds of episodes or tens of thousands of listeners. However for those I do mean a lot to me and the evolutionary process at hand is quite evident.
After much deliberation and internal conflict I looked to those around me for advice. Namely my community, the Podcast Discovery Center. I began the PDC as we call it, with fellow podcaster and entrepreneur Scott “the prodigy” Doucet.
I could have thrown in the towel and given up on myself and everything I’ve created thus far. There was only one problem with that. I am a firm believer that we all were put in this universe for a reason. Knowing that, if wasn’t meant to start podcast I would have never become a Podcaster.

I am a Podcaster; not because I want to be, but because I was meant to be.

As time went on, I found myself at times unable to produce hard hitting content. Something I had begun to believe was the only “acceptable” to podcast. I had forgotten how I started in the first place…having no expectations at all. Just me, a headset and my Spreaker mobile studio application. 

For more information on hosting your very own podcast with Spreaker (for free) click here.
September 30th is International Podcast Day. The day my Pilot episode will drop. Yes, it is a legitimate recognized day to bring awareness and spread the word about the audio medium know as Podcasting. 

So I have weighed my options, time, and resources regarding the future of Me Myself and I Radio-A Self Discovery Podcast hosted by yours truly Anthony Hayes. I have decided to NOT pull the plug, NOR start from scratch but rather press on just as my message suggests. “KEEP ON FLOWING…”

I have no clue what the future holds, but that’s kinda the point of Self Discovery…you encounter new endeavors and obstacles each and everyday.
If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well.
“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

Episode music provided with permission by Lovestruck Robot

#PodcastDay Promo Show Notes

September 30th is International Podcast Day. This episode of Me Myself and I Radio with Anthony Hayes is a #PodcastDay promo and teaser for my show. 

Listen here:

The purpose of International Podcast Day according to the official Official IPD Website is as follows:

International Podcast Day™

September 30, 2016 #PodcastDay

Help spread the word! International Podcast Day™ is dedicated to promoting Podcasting worldwide through education and public engagement. You may be asking, what can I do to help and what can I do to get involved on International Podcast Day?
There are so many things we can do but first we must all Start The Conversation.

I accompany this episode with an epic blog post you can read here.

Episode music provided with permission by Lovestruck Robot

If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

What #PodcastDay Has Done for Me

I consider a celebrity to be somebody you look up to, admire. Everyone I meet and follow their journey is a celebrity in their own right. Musicians, actors, podcasters, authors, parents, bloggers and entrepreneurs all wear some time of cape or armor to go to battle. Some wear headphones, others drag mics, some a notebook, pens, flashdrives, iPads, etc…

After attending the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference (#MAPcon) September 9-10 in Swedsboro New Jersey, I left with an arsenal or information. One such term I learned of was the “Pivot.”

We all come to a point in our lives when change is inevitable. For whatever the circumstances, you must adapt your current situation to meet the obstacles at hand. As I approach 3 years (December 2016) since experimenting with a podcast of my own, I realized a much needed pivot is in order.

Every episode I recorded was a learning experience in the many aspects of the audio broadcasting world known as podcasting. This newly learned craft included things such as, but not limited to, technology, marketing and most importantly a better sense of self. I don’t have hundreds of episodes or tens of thousands of listeners. However for those I do mean a lot to me and the evolutionary process at hand is quite evident.

After much deliberation and internal conflict I looked to those around me for advice. Namely my community, the Podcast Discovery Center. I began the PDC as we call it, with fellow podcaster and entrepreneur Scott “the prodigy” Doucet.

I could have thrown in the towel and given up on myself and everything I’ve created thus far. There was only one problem with that. I am a firm believer that we all were put in this universe for a reason. Knowing that, if wasn’t meant to start podcast I would have never become a Podcaster.

I am a Podcaster; not because I want to be, but because I was meant to be.

As time went on, I found myself at times unable to produce hard hitting content. Something I had begun to believe was the only “acceptable” to podcast. I had forgotten how I started in the first place…having no expectations at all. Just me, a headset and my Spreaker mobile studio application. For more information on hosting your very own podcast with Spreaker (for free) click here.
So fast forward to today September 29th, 2016. Tomorrow September 30th is International Podcast Day. Yes, it is a legitimate recognized day to bring awareness and spread the word about the audio medium know as Podcasting. I declare I WILL TAKE PART IN #PodcastDay as that is the intended purpose to begin with.

If you would like to take part in spreading the message visit The Official Podcast Day Website. And don’t forget to mention #PodcastDay on all your social media.

So I have weighed my options, time, and resources regarding the future of Me Myself and I Radio-A Self Discovery Podcast hosted by yours truly Anthony Hayes. I have decided to NOT pull the plug, NOR start from scratch but rather press on just as my message suggests. “KEEP ON FLOWING…”

I have no clue what the future holds, but that’s kinda the point of Self Discovery…you encounter new endeavors and obstacles each and everyday.

I use today #PodcastDay to reinvent, to relaunch, to call out my listener and future guests to continue this journey with me and share theirs as well.

This recent shift in mindset has inspired the decision to make this pivot on Me Myself and I Radio. In doing so, I’ve put together an ultimate guest list for “celebrities” I’d like to connect with and have on my show. This list will only grow and is just a starting point to kick off #PodcastDay 2016.  

These individuals are warriors set to battle in Podcast Stadium for the Me Myself and I Radio Title Belt of the podcast world. Who will it be? Here is the line up:

  1. Marie Lanza
  2. Joe Pardo
  3. Scott Doucet
  4. Larry Hagner
  5. Walter Eggers
  6. AC Fuller
  7. Brian R. King
  8. Harry E. Shade
  9. Adrian Aguilar
  10. Brian K. Wright
  11. Erica Castner
  12. Charlie Brenneman
  13. Chris Ripka
  14. Jose Rosado
  15. Kay Walten
  16. Jace Magee
  17. Tayo Rockson
  18. Allie McAdam
  19. Rob Greenlee
  20. Tom Tate
  21. Blake Lewis
  22. Mathew Passey

…and of course the one who started it all #Podcastday

To those listed above and many others, check your calendars and your inbox…Lets get into Me Myself and I shall we??

If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

My First Podcast Conference #MAPcon 2016

September 9th and 10th 2016, I will be attending my very first Conference for Podcasting–Mid Atlantic Podcast Conference or MAPcon. This event is the second of its kind since founded by its creator, entrepreneur, and Podcaster–Joe Pardo. Joe hosts a show called the Dreamers Podcast and has garnished close to 1 million listens in the 246 episodes.

A little over two years ago, I introduced myself to Mr. Pardo as I was a regular listener to his podcast. He reached out and immediately made me feel welcome in his tribe. 

It was at that time I had just started a podcast. As of December I will have been podcasting 3 years, and what a journey it has been. Joes show, Dreamers Podcast had a clear vision with stellar guests from all walks of life, quite the opposite of my own. 

When Joe was writing his first book 31 Life Changing Concepts I was eager to get my hands on a copy. I was given access to the book prior to its release and asked to give some feedback for which I gladly did. 

At that time, I was putting together my own book The Science of Being (due out September 2016). While reading Joe’s story, I picked up on some minor discrepancies with the grammar and punctuation. At this point, the book was meer days away from being published. I  emailed Joe some constructive criticism and he graciously accepted my input (I know my writing is FAR from perfect). 

Some weeks later Joe mailed me a copy of the book. To my surprise printed in the book: 

Co-Editor: Anthony Hayes

I was floored and honored to say the least. When Joe visited Florida with his wife we met up for dinner. We’ve since become great friends and talk weekly if not daily. I even had Joe redesigned my entire website! 

Well off to the conference I go…

If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

Hacking for Creativity 

You’re the creative type right? A writer, entrepreneur, photographer, blogger, podcaster etc…and you are tapped out of creative juice? Don’t get down on yourself it happens to all of us. Oftentimes, we just need a little inspiration and great dialogue to unlock our hidden potential. 

How do you do that? Some of my best ideas came very easy. I was able to do this two different ways. 

  1. Talking with others. To do this your coworkers, friends nor family just won’t do. We need to brainstorm with other like minded creatives like us. Those people to who challenge us by engaging in intellectual dialogue. Daily activities and conversation tend to become stagnant. 
  2. Listening to music. Music is a universal language. To be perfectly honest any day I go without listening to my favorite artists I feel off. Listen in a place without distractions, feel the music, analyze the lyrics. Try to deduce what the artist was going through while writing each song. My music of choice is pop. 

Here is a prime example. My private Facebook group The Podcast Discovery Center (PDC) just reached its one thousandth member. I co-founded this group with fellow Podcaster Scott Doucet. We’ve never met in person and he lives in Canada some 2000 miles away from me.

Everytime Scotty and I (or any other group members) chop it up we always inadvertently bouce ideas back and forth. There is an energy between us. Some synergetic forces cause a chain reaction in our minds. 


So go out and create something awesome today! Let me know what you come up with. Leave a comment or email me. Who knows maybe my next post will be inspired by you! 

If you’d like to follow more of my journey and projects the best thing to do is visit my website. There you will have access to podcast episodes, blog posts, and a newsletter to be informed of big things as they happen. Also if you find it in your heart there are some great things on the support page if you would be so inclined to get involved there as well
“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

Podcast Tools and Gadgets (part 1)

We all want to have a more organized and effective workspace. A place to get the creative juices flowing. A place to PODCAST! 💥🎙💥

Welcome to our PDC members for checking out the blog today!

There are a lot of tools you gadgets that can make this process much easier especially if you are on a budget. These post includes just a few of those. To all my friends in the PDC this is for you. 

Let’s check out some basic MICROPHONE ACCESSORIES:

Pop Filter/Wind Screens: What are they? What’s the difference?

Pop Filter (source Wikipedia)

A pop filter or pop shield is an anti-pop noise protection filter for microphones, typically used in a recording studio. It serves to reduce or eliminate ‘popping’ sounds caused by the mechanical impact of fast moving air on the microphone during recorded speech and singing. It also keeps moisture off the microphone which can cause mold growth. Additionally, a pop filter can protect against the accumulation of saliva on the microphone element. Salts in human saliva are corrosive and thus use of a pop filter may improve the life of the microphone.[1]

Pop filter prices start at $5 plus $2 for shipping (prices subject to change). I got mine from the Wish mobile application. You can also purchase one easily from Amazon or eBay. 

I have not had any issues with mine which I’ve had for about one year. Filter is pretty thin and not made from the highest grade materials. Overall, it gets the job done and I am happy with this purchase. 

Rating: 4/5 

Windscreen (source Wikipedia)

Windscreens (or windshields – the terms are interchangeable) provide a method of reducing the effect of wind on microphones. While pop-screens give protection from unidirectional blasts, foam “hats” shield wind into the grille from all directions, and blimps / zeppelins / baskets entirely enclose the microphone and protect its body as well. This last point is important because, given the extreme low frequency content of wind noise, vibration induced in the housing of the microphone can contribute substantially to the noise output.

Windscreen prices start at $1-2 for 3-10 screens. Shipping $1. You can’t really get these wrong. Depending on the brand of microphone you have and it’s sensitivity you may consider getting a bit thicker screen. Some slightly vary in size and circumference. 

For me these served as a great giveaway to the Podcast Discovery Center, our private member only group I founded with Scott Doucet, my Pirate in crime! 

Rating: 4/5

Mic Flag (for those who record video) 

Where to buy: Amazon, Wish

Price was about 5-9 bucks with shipping. This seems to be the standard prize point. There a few styles available to choose from including a square or a triangle as depicted above. 

This is a great place to put your logo or brand to get the extra visual exposure when recording, or on skype calls. 

Rating 5/5 

Wire tie downs, cable ties

Does this look familiar? 

All your wires tangled and thrown behind your desk…? We can fix this easy and inexpensively. Something like this could cause two problems 

1.) Fire hazard

2.) Certain wires touching may cause audio interferences such as hums and hisses. 

Here’s what you need! There are multiple types and sizes of clips designed to prevent a tagled mess. Most of these come equipped with 3m tape to make attaching a breeze.

Rating: 5/5

I have tried and tested the above mentioned and offer a rating based on personal experience and opinion. I take into consideration the price point first and that you get what you pay for. 

Some of the products listed in this article are NOT professional grade quality. When I was getting started I had no budget to work with. You may want to upgrade at some point in the future but these gadgets will help get you started. Good luck and POD-ON 💥🎙💥

*disclaimer about Wish mobile application. These products are cheap and come direct from China. Shipping takes an extended period of time and some items are made poorly. If you are on a tight budget however you will not find any place else cheaper. 
Please visit memyselfandiradio.com and sign up for my newsletter to stay informed. I have since done a complete overhaul of the site thanks to Joe Pardo from superjoepardo.com

    The Art of Conversational Questions

    Originally posted at The Book of Open

    As a parent, you often wonder what’s going on in your kids’ minds. Yet when you ask, you feel shut down or like you are only getting part of the story. So you handle it by pushing harder and creating conflict or by just not asking at all. You wait and then you try again except this time the tension has been ratcheted up. You’re laying bricks on the road to ruin and you don’t know how to stop.

    There’s a better way and it involves understanding how to create the right context. The dictionary defines context as: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. What can you do as a parent to create an environment where your kids welcome your questions? One where they see them as an expression of your love and interest.

    As a parent, one of your most important jobs is to create the context where happiness and success can flourish

    Vulnerability Makes Things Real

    Let’s start by discussing the concept of vulnerability. Vulnerability means loving yourself enough to have the courage to share your story. To share the real and authentic you. The idea of exposing yourself like that might terrify you. To do it you need to be able to love and accept yourself as you are. That’s pretty damn hard for you to do. I know, I let the fear cripple me for a long time.

    How do you react to that fear that someone might find out who you really are? You create a persona that you think will protect you. You put up walls and hide behind them like a scared child. You eat in your car or drink with the curtains drawn or do one of a million other analogous behaviors. Or you behave as the authoritative parent who brokers no dissenting opinions. In your heart you know you are living a life that is not your own and it consumes your soul.

    Another way you might manifest your fear is having difficulty asking questions. Knowledge is competence and strength and anything else is weakness. Do you have a hard time flat out admitting you don’t know something? Does it make you feel like your mother was right when she said your older brother is better than you? The fear you feel in those situations is not something you should burden your kids with. They deserve better.

    So you make assertions. You state your opinions with force. But not with your peers because they might push back. A forceful enough shove might cause you to crack like the fragile porcelain figurine you are. Your kids though… You’re bigger than them and you’re the parent. They have to listen to your opinions and by god they are going to.

    People wracked with self-doubt and self-loathing are the most judgmental among us. Your thought patterns offer you no hope of propelling yourself to new heights. So you take what you see as the only course of action open to you. You knock those uppity bastards off their pedestal by spewing hateful words about them. Only when they’re not around of course.

    Why won’t your kid answer your questions when you ask them? Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t either. You’re just going to judge the answers and then force the right opinion down my throat. I’m not interested in sitting through an inquisition and neither is your kid. Remember, you create the context. If your kid feels like you’re the cop and they’re the suspect on a wobbly chair in a room with a bare light bulb, they will plead the fifth.

    Embracing vulnerability will enrich all areas of your life. Loving and accepting yourself is the foundation on which to love and accept others. When you are vulnerable you are courageous enough to stop pretending. Forever. You give people the chance to love you as you truly are. You might think they won’t, but they will.

    When you are vulnerable you are able to admit with ease that you know almost nothing. Think about the scope of the entire universe. The entire accumulated knowledge of the human race is insignificant. But we can always know more today than we did yesterday. It’s the only true path to enlightenment and wisdom. Revealing that path to your child is one of most generous gifts you can give them.

    There is a time-proven way to learn more. Ask questions. It sounds simple because it is. Be the person who always asks questions. Be the person who thirsts for knowledge. The one who questions “conventional wisdom”. Be completely open to the fact that your opinions might be dead wrong. When you love yourself, you love when that happens. When you don’t, you judge yourself as an idiot for being wrong.

    Your Family’s Culture is Yours to Create

    Don’t blow it. Create a family culture based on appreciative inquiry. One where personal and joint exploration is the norm. Where you ask each other questions like “what would that choice create” and “what else is possible?” Wonder together how to create more of what you love. When you do, your kids will learn the power of asking questions. They will also understand that to learn more might destroy previous beliefs. Make those moments exciting and celebrate them!

    Asking open-ended questions is so important. Questions where a yes or no answer will suffice will get a yes or no answer. Open-ended questions challenge your kids to analyze their answer before saying it. Let me give you an example from my own life. My older daughter is a competitive cheerleader. She’s on two teams – the last damn time that will ever happen. One is Flare and the other is Flash.

    I could ask, “Which team do you like better?” That would give her the chance to respond with a one word answer. I don’t want that. It wouldn’t take long before you’d be hearing the sound of crickets. Conversations run out of gas quickly when one party is grunting single syllables.

    An open ended question is, “How would you describe the difference between your two teams? ”

    The second one will get a much more comprehensive answer. That answer will also provide more material to ask follow up question. Pretty soon you’ve got yourself an actual conversation happening. And it will be foster an understanding that to know each other is to love each other.

    Of course, there is always the chance that your child will answer the open-ended question with a shoulder shrug and an “I dunno.” Context can expand the question to include, “I’m asking because you are one of my favorite humans and I love knowing you.”

    I don’t have to explicitly state those words every time because my kids know it. They know it because of the words I use all the time and they way I treat them. There is no question about the depth of my love or my genuine interest in them as people. If someone asked you a question and you knew it was coming from a place of love you’d want to answer it and so would I. That is context that our actions and words can create.

    I’m aware my kids wish I would stop asking questions sometimes. But they also know it’s one of the ways I show my love for them.

    Ask Their Opinion About Real Issues

    Admit to your kids when you don’t know the answer to something. Or even when you’re not sure how to handle it. Ask them for their opinion. Can you imagine what your kid would think if if you said, “I have this situation at work and I’m not sure what the best way to handle it is? What do you think I should do?” They’d be thrilled to talk through it with you and you’d be closer as a result. You might also realize they have a richer understanding of human nature than you thought.

    Raising kids is challenging. There’s no manual. I’m kidding, there are a million manuals and they all say different things. Your kids grow up at a rate that can be different from your ability to understand and deal with it. You’ll faced with situations you don’t know how to best handle. Talk it out together! When you disagree, which you will, tell your kids, “I know you don’t agree with me but I know you trust that I have your best interest in mind. I don’t know if this is the right decision but it feels right to me.” Be open to revisiting when circumstances change or when you receive new information.

    Be vulnerable enough to admit you don’t have all the answers. Create the opportunity to come up with solutions together.

    Talk. Talk. Talk.

    Lastly, just talk to your kids. Conversations about things that are real are the fabric that weaves us together.

    Conversationalist are the place where ideas can be shared, opinions are challenged and common ground is found. Questions are asked and if the answer is not and readily at hand it can be sought out together.

    Make your family one where you talk to each other about everything. When you share your warts with your kids they’ll know they can share theirs. When they don’t fear you judging them they will feel better about themselves. You will draw them to the safe place you create and they will share with you. That’s what will create the engaging conversations on which you can build a beautiful relationship.

    It Works Both Ways

    When you create a place where it’s safe to ask questions, kids are going to ask questions of you. They are going to challenge you because it’s safe to do so. Your job is to set boundaries with your children and help them understand when things are none of their damn business. That works both ways. As they get older they will want more privacy as well. It’s a normal part of developing into their own unique and amazing people.

    Bumping up against those boundaries is part of growing up. We should encourage that because its a characteristic that will help them through our their lives. When you treat it as a threat your kids will learn that they need to color inside the lines. I want my kids to tear up the paper and paint on the (metaphorical) wall.

    Teach your kids how to balance their inquisitiveness with a person’s natural desire for privacy. When we respect others, they will respect us and walls will start to come down between us. It’s ironic that respecting a person’s privacy will make them feel less of a need for it in the first place.

    Effective and loving parenting will create an environment where conversations flourish and questions abound.