I Don’t Dwell by: Sam Shelley Book Review

Title: I Don’t Dwell 

By: Sam Shelley

Genre: Memoir, Self Help


Sam Shelley author of I Dont Dwell

Follow Sam on Twitter: @IMSamShelley

“I Don’t Dwell” is the ultimate survivor story. Sam Shelley shares his triumphant journey of overcoming insurmountable odds despite his circumstances. A debilitating obstacle course, filled with both mental, physical, and emotional ailments. The message that directly coincides with MM&i radio. 

His driving force; an unorthodox methodology consisting of yoga meditation and mindfulness.

The story starts off at the beginning. When we used to stick baseball cards in our bike spokes, and mom packed your lunch in a brown paper bag. Excepts Sam life was anything but ordinary. At the age of six he got hit by a car. He would now spend remained of his childhood rehabilitating himself both from the physically scars, and the phycological ones associated with a such a traumatic event. 


I Don't Dwell by: Sam Shelley  - Inscription for Anthony Hayes

I Don’t Dwell by: Sam Shelley – Inscription for Anthony Hayes

Shelley’s life going forward would be be filled with constant curve balls, exploration; recovering from battles of depression, bipolar and Multiple Sclerosis. He could have just accepted defeat at several points in this story but he took action and pressed on. 
One by one, Sam knocked his setbacks down like dominos and never looked back. This story has earned Sam the nickname “the miracle man” and for good reason. After several decades, patience, persistence, and eventually knowing “all is well” Sam is cured! No longer does he require the use of any of his previous 13 medications including those for MS.

I have had the honor and privilege and speaking with Sam on several occasions. We met through several podcasting and blogging groups for which we’ve been able to stay in touch over the course of this past year. 

I received one of Sams healings’ thanks to a contest on Darienne’s #MISSIONLove movement (missionlovemovement.com). I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

If you are carrying any unnecessary baggage around with you I urge you to reach out to Rev. Shelley. Going forward I hope to have “The Mircle Man” as a guest on my podcast, Me Myself and I Radio.

Sam Shelley I Dont Dwell

Sam Shelley I Dont Dwell

Check out these stellar reviews:

” An insightful, well written and helpful memoir.” The Columbia Review.

“Mr. Shelly’s writing is refreshingly unassuming and brutally honest.” The Columbia Review. 

“.. presented with great clarity in this thoughtful and thought-provoking book.” The Columbia Review 

“Highly recommended.” ~The Columbia Review  

The rabbit hole goes much deeper than this you see. Read it for yourself. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1938257804/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1427853727&sr=8-1&keywords=dont+dwell

Please visit www.dontdwell.org for more information.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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The Number One Way for Managing Stress

By: Anthony Hayes

Keep on Flowing, Just Be…


Sounds simple enough right? Not quite. Breathing instinctively for life and control of breath for emotional balance are two different processes. Oftentimes we underestimate the power of a breath. We take breathing for granted. Meanwhile, this single element is the benefactor of all existence. The question is can you find a balance…?

Some years ago my therapist gave me a simple stress test. It used a short questionnaire and color coded card which worked off body heat. It’s a chemically treated strip that changes color with changes in temperature. The more relaxed and less stressed you are the more dilated the blood vessels.

The importance of the outcome of the exercise became apparent to me and my overall well-being. Considering I was more stressed then I anticipated, as this was not the main purpose of my visit that day. We all get anxious at times. Usually over something silly and small but to us it is a very big deal. It may come on so rapidly, without warning there is no preparing for it. Or is there?

The timing can be unpredictable, however the series of events leading up to a stressful moment, or trigger, is usually par for the course. Here is some common triggers I’ve come across.

  • Rushing – Nothing is worth rushing to do. Set your clock ahead 12-15 minutes. Despite what you may think your do NOT work well under pressure. No one does. In fact, studies show an increase of adrenaline in times of emotional distress is the bodies response to this overwhelming situation. As a result, we feel a sense of accomplishment. Meanwhile we just completely overloaded our brain ultimately exhausting our most precious resource. So why 12-15 minutes? 5 minutes is pointless. 10 minutes may account for some variables, but not all. I’ve found around 15 minutes is my personal sweet spot for completing a project or arriving some where I need to be.
  • Situational – Clutter and disorganization causes me unwanted stress. I do my best to tidy up as I go. Admittedly, at times I too get behind on my tasks. Things happen. But I do my best to take time to breath just before I anticipate a problem will arise.
  • Energy – Have you ever walked into a room, all is quiet, cold, and everyone around you suggests by mere body language that something is off. As it turns out Steve’s cat Fluffy used the last of her nine lives that morning and got ran over as he backed out of his driveway. An unfortunate event certainly but no one even knew Steve had a cat in the first place. The universe is made up of these energies. From science with protons to neutrons, and emotional energy as well. Steer clear of the unnecessary ones.


The Solution to managing ALL Stress


Even if it means excusing yourself for a ‘bathroom’ break, take that moment. Keep on Flowing, Just Be…Just BREATHE.

  1. Close your eyes (if surrounding environment permits)
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale completely out of your mouth.
  3. By the third breath begin to subtly soften your exhalation.
  4. By the fifth breath begin to subtly soften your inhalation.
  5. Breaths 6-10 count each time you inhale and exhale.
  6. Open your eyes, have a stretch, and something similar to a yawn. Either separately or simultaneously.

In closing, it is not a perfect system. However with time, and practice, it can be the deciding factor to better manage stress.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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